Friday, October 31, 2008

Red Scarf Girl

Study Guide for Prologue to Chapter 7

Answer Questions in complete sentences and in depth on another sheet of paper and include PAGE NUMBERS.

1. Who are the members of Ji-Li’s family? Describe her family home. What class status does her family belong to? What is the occupation of her father? Mother?
Ji-Li's family members: Ji-Li's father, Song-Po-Po(nanny/housekeeper:P.14), Ji-Li's mother, Ji-Yong(younger brother), Ji-yun (younger sister), Ji-Li's grandmother (went to modern university, teacher, help found Ji-Li's primary school:P.14), Little white(cat)
Ji-Li's home: bright and warm and welcoming, appartement in Shanghai, had a french window, mahogany table, high ceilings, burgandy curtains, pots on steps.(P.7) 10 times bigger room than classmates, 100 times brighter, full-sized bathroom.(P.15~16)
Family status/class: Middle class who are doing well. Not super-rich, but well-off.
Family occupation: Both parents are an actor/actress. But the now the mother retired and works in a sports equipment store.(P.13)

2. What is Ji-Li’s life at school like? What special honor is Ji-Li picked for at school? Describe Ji-Li’s parents’ reaction. What does Ji-Li do instead of entering the audition?
Ji-Li's school life: She's the student chairman of the whole school and also was an outstanding student (P. 9). She was happy and was always respected, loved, able to excel and expected to succeed (P.1). Ji-Li math test was display as exemplary work (P.3). She was known for being good at martial arts since 2nd grade (P.5). She had a da-dui-zhang badge for student chairman of the whole school (P.9). She was correcting her little sister about her piano practice (P.29).
Special honor: She was picked to do an audition for the Central Liberation Army Arts Academy (P.6)
Parents' reaction: Her dad told her not to do the audition and he was serious about it(P.8). She also saw a pain in her dad's eyes that she had never seen before (P.9). Her dad was worried about the political background investigation (P.9). They send a note principal Long (P.10)
Instead of entering the audition: Ji-Li tried hard not to cry about not going to the audition after talking to teacher Gu and An Yi, she dogged behind a tree so Principal Long and the 2 boys wouldnt see her because she didnt want to talk to anyone right then (P.12)

3.What are the "Four Olds"? Provide with some examples of each and why they need to be destroyed. What does "prosperity" mean? Why is this considered a thought?
Four old: Four olds mean to destroy old ideas, old customs, old culture and old habits(pg.21)
Examples:Saying Good morning to teachers was a four old because its an old custom.(pg.35)
Respecting teachers was a four old because it was an old idea.(pg.35)
Gowns, colorful silk neckties were four olds because it was an old culture stuff.
Prosperity means succesful or flouris espeacially in financially.
It was considered as a bad thought because Mao said that it was a exploitation.(pg.25)

4.What is xenophile? Why is it bad to be a xenophile in the Revolutionary China?
Xenophile: A person who loves anything from foriegn.(pg.285)
It was bad to be a xelophile in the Revolutionary China because then people will think that you are a reactionary or a rightist.(pg.281)

5. What are da-zi-bao? What are being done with them? Who is Jiang-Xi-wen? Why does Ji-Li hang have da-zi-bao on her house?
Da-zi-bao: Used to humilate or attack people.(pg.276)
The students were using the da-zi-bao to criticize the educational system.(pg.38)
Jiang-Xi-wen: Jiang-Xi-wen was Ji-Li's aunt and her father's real cousin.(pg.44)
They have a da-zi-bao because Yin-Lan-Lan and Du Hai wrote that teacher Ke and Jiang Ji-Li have a realationship going on.(pg.49)

6.Why does Ji-Li stop going to school for awhile?(she has been accused for what?)
She stops going to school for awhile beacause she had a da-zi-bao on her name saying that she had a realtionship with teacher Ke.(pg.52)

7.What is a rightist? Use your own words to briefly explain the process of remoding one's idelogy.
Rightist: A memeber of a conservative party that disagreed.(pg.283)
Ideology:Ideology means to change socail conditions, thinking and need to start something new and throw away old thinking.(pg.278)

8.What did Ji-Li's grandfather do for living? How does this affect Ji-Li's life?
Ji-Li's grandfather was business man and a landlord. (pg.62)
This effected Ji-li's life by being accused by her classmates that you're the granddaughter of a landlord. She couldnt be red guard because of her family background.(pg.62 and 66)

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